Grades 6 - 8
True Light Shines Academy uses North Carolina's Standard Course of Study as a minimum guide to ensure grade level benchmarks are met in the areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. In these very important formative years, students need a strong framework to support them as they develop into young adults. The school structure for the middle school grades is similar to the elementary structure - allowing for individual growth, while addressing the needs of the maturing student. Students will assume more responsibility for their learning, spiritual growth, and service. They will take an active role in leadership of the student body.
Core Subjects: Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Grammar), Mathematics, Social Studies (American history taught at all grade levels, in addition to the grade-level social studies focus), Science, Bible, Spanish, Technology, & Physical EducationÂ
Enrichment Subjects: Exploratory Arts & Music
Nationally-Normed Standardized Testing
Daily Openings: Praise, worship, announcements
Fridays: Worship and Service are emphasized
School Day: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm